• 10 июня 2019, понедельник
  • Москва, Myasnitskaya st., 20 (room 116)

The Network Is the Message: Publishing Architecture in the Digital Era

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Высшая школа урбанистики
1781 день назад
10 июня 2019 c 19:00 до 20:00
Myasnitskaya st., 20 (room 116)

On June 10 in Shukhov Lab Ricardo Devesa (PhD, Polytechnic University of Catalonia), editor-in-chief at Actar Publishers and urbanNext will give a lecture about how the publishing industry experiences digital turbulence.

An endless number of new forms of information dissemination have provoked interactivity between the generation of knowledge, its learning and its communication. All this has meant an inescapable paradigm shift, still to be explored and experienced in architecture. As a consequence, digital broadcast media enable this desired interaction. Undoubtedly, now, the architectural culture is built and propagated, simultaneously, in a network.

Indeed, knowledge is no longer generated solely by individuals, institutions, or even by watertight disciplines. Knowledge is now generated in a network, it is thought in a network, in a participative, interactive and open manner. It is built among many and varied interlocutors; and it is disseminated in a continuous loop through the multiple platforms and formats: from the brief tweet to the long scientific paper, from the personal blog to the collective wikipedia, from the audiovisual channel to the written investigations.

Actar is one of the leading publishers of books on architecture, graphic design, and contemporary art. Focusing on the reflection and analysis of the contemporary urban project, Actar produces award winning books which have impacted the social context of architectural research and practice for the past twenty years.

The lecture is organized within the HSE international Master’s programme ’Prototyping future cities’.


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