• 16 апреля 2019, вторник
  • Москва, Myasnitskaya, 20 (room 116)

Public Talk: Sergey Kuznetsov and Vicente Guallart

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Высшая школа урбанистики
1829 дней назад
16 апреля 2019 c 19:00 до 20:30
Myasnitskaya, 20 (room 116)

Moscow: new projects for the global capital

How a city can become a global leader with the help of architectural projects? Which role does architecture play in sustainable urban development nowadays? Historically, architects affect the way cities are envisioned and designed,  but can they directly shape the outcomes of a design process to increase community’s quality of life, sustainability, social equity, health and resilience?

The chief architect of Moscow Sergey Kuznetsov and former chief architect of Barcelona Vicente Guallart will discuss the role of architecture in sustainable urban development.

‘Moscow must become a city in the full sense of the word. A city is a lifestyle. You live in a house that should be different from other houses: your house should have a pleasant yard; your street should provide opportunities to go to a café, a restaurant, a corner store, or to socialize in any other way’.

Sergey Kuznetsov (Russia Beyond)

Since 2012, Sergey Kuznetsov is the chief architect of Moscow, the first deputy chairman of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of Moscow. Buildings he designed received international awards (for instance, Museum for Architectural Drawing in Berlin: Ar+d Awards for Emerging Architecture 2013 (United Kingdom), Best of Best the Iconic Awards 2013 by the German Design Council etc.). There are a plenty of significant and impressive projects of Sergey Kuznetsov such as Palace of Water Sports (Kazan), the office building on Leninsky Prospekt in (Moscow), Main Press Center (Sochi) and ect.

More than 50 architectural competitions were organized upon Sergey Kuznetsov’s  initiative. Every year educational exhibitions and conferences are held under his leadership, such as Comfortable City and Open City.

Shukhov Lab public talks is a series of discussions with prominent architects and urban planners and future of cities development.


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