• 5 апреля 2019, пятница
  • Москва, Moscow, Mysnitskaya st., 20 (room 116)

Vadim Smakhtin: City vs Simulation

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Высшая школа урбанистики
1845 дней назад
5 апреля 2019 c 19:00 до 20:30
Moscow, Mysnitskaya st., 20 (room 116)

Our city is constantly monitored, but not by people, governments or AI’s. It is monitored by sensor networks, part of which is designed to track us, but others just exist for tracking itself. This tracking can generate data in near real-time frequency and its continuous collection allows us to build a new image of our city.

If we compare this image with a traditional city perception, it will be completely different. Instead of illustrating a hard and fixed form of a city, it shows us a process of transformation — a city of behaviors instead of a city of networks. This change of view opens a principally new way of research — examining not city’s physical layer, but its informational byproducts. For example, we study the undiscovered semantic landscapes or activity maps of anonymized urban agents.

Are these digital byproducts give us a completely new representation of a city or are they its inseparable layer? Anyway, what can we do with it?


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