• 18 марта 2019, понедельник
  • Москва, Moscow, Mysnitskaya st., 20 (room 116)

Public Talk with Natalia Fishman and Vicente Guallart: Future of Urban Public Spaces

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Высшая школа урбанистики
1866 дней назад
18 марта 2019 c 19:00 до 20:30
Moscow, Mysnitskaya st., 20 (room 116)

What is the future of public spaces in cities? Which role will play public spaces in urban fabric and urban life in the future? How to create a public space that will add value to urban life? Shukhov Lab for Experimental Urban Design is launching a series of public talks with leading experts in urban development. In the first public talk Natalia Fishman, advisor to the president of the Republic of Tatarstan, and Vicente Guallart, academic supervisor of the master program ‘Prototyping future cities’, will discuss the future of urban public spaces in cities and share an experience or creating livable and valuable public spaces in cities in Russia and worldwide.

In November 2018, Natalia Fishman won ‘Made in Russia’ awards in the nomination called ‘Big Country’. She was awarded for her ‘Program for Public Spaces Development in the Republic of Tatarstan’. Over the past four years, Fishman oversaw the creation of 328 parks, embankments, boulevards and squares in 60 cities and villages of Tatarstan.

In 2018 Vicente Guallart together with international experts won the first prize to design a new model for the next generation of green cities in China. The project is a sample of how the cities of the future will be based on the principle of the ecological, dense and compact city where new technologies make the public space more human and natural by fusing green corridors and innovative economic activity of high density.

If you want to learn how design the public spaces of the future join the workshop ‘Interactive Public Spaces’which will take place from 9 to 21 April in Shukhov Lab.


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