• 12 ноября 2018, понедельник
  • Москва, Myasnitskaya st., 20 Room 116

Design Exhibition in Shukhov Lab

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Высшая школа урбанистики
1991 день назад
12 ноября 2018 c 19:00 до 21:00
Myasnitskaya st., 20 Room 116
Shukhov Lab invites you to the Design Exhibition!
On November 12, 2018 we will announce the results of the poster contest for the GSU master program ‘Prototyping future cities’. The jury will choose the winner who will develop a branded identity based on the layout.

What is in the program?

– Welcome speech by Vicente Guallart;
– Presentation of the short-listed works;
– ‘Text as Image in Posters’ lecture by Svyat Vishnyakov
– Award Ceremony (certificates and presents).

Jury of the poster contest:

Vicente Guallart – architect, academic supervisor of master program ‘Prototyping future cities’

Elena Mitrofanova – architect, Shukhov Lab leading expert

Yuriy Gulitov – graphic designer, tutor at the HSE Art and Design School, member of the Russian Union of Artists and Russian Union of Designers.

Svyat Vishnyakov – graphic designer, lecturer in British Higher School of Design and Bangbang Education School.

Svyat Vishnyakov: ‘Text as Image in Posters’

The role of typography on poster always differs. Text can support illustration or image, create complex pattern, form a decorative frame. In most cases typography serves as a functional layer and picture shows the main idea.

The lecture will be dedicated to approach called ‘Text as Image’ where text becomes the main hero and combines physical attributes with power of words. Svyat will present the international posters which use this approach and will share his own experience, how to use only typography to generate meanings and create a unique poster.

Svyat Vishnyakov – graphic designer, worked at the Shuka Design Bureau, The Bakery, Ony and berlin-based studio Onlab. Svyat is a lecturer in British Higher School of Design and Bangbang Education School. His work has a focus on printed matter, graphic identities, editorial and web design.

See you in Shukhov Lab!


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