• 19 июля 2018, четверг
  • Москва, Чистопрудный бульвар, 23

Creative Spaces in the City – Lessons from Amsterdam: Lecture by Roel van Herpt

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Высшая школа урбанистики
2430 дней назад
19 июля 2018 c 20:30 до 22:00
Чистопрудный бульвар, 23

The HSE Graduate School of Urbanism kindly invites you to meet Roel van Herpt, strategist and founder of Agency Agency in the Netherlands. On 19 July he will give a lecture at the Dostoevsky Library on creative spaces in the city and experience of Amsterdam.

As cities are becoming increasingly attractive, they are also becoming less affordable for modest earners. Artists and creatives – those who typically contribute to the liveliness and diversity of cities – are among those who struggle to find places to live and work in the city.

For over five years, Roel van Herpt has been advising the City of Amsterdam on a program for ateliers and creative spaces. In the program, the city stimulates real estate organizations to develop affordable workspaces and residencies for artists and creative professionals. In doing so, the city aims to attract and retain creative talent, to stimulate diversity in the city and to remain a vibrant place for people to live and work.

During his talk, Roel van Herpt will present and discuss Amsterdam’s program for creative spaces, what works well and what should be improved, and what other cities like Moscow can learn from it.

Roel van Herpt is strategy director and founder of Agency Agency, a Dutch practice for strategy and design. Both a strategic and creative consultancy, Agency Agency combines expertise in strategy development, design direction, communication strategy, identity design, business planning and project development. With this unique set of skills, Agency Agency assists governmental organizations, art institutes, brands and design studios in developing and realizing projects with a lasting impact.

Besides leading Agency Agency, Roel van Herpt is a member of the Creative Industries Fund NL advisory committee on digital culture and a cultural innovation advisor for the AFK Amsterdam Fund for the Arts. He also leads Reality Check, a professional development program at the DesignLAB department of Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam and at the Interior Architecture and Furniture Design department of KABK Royal Academy of the Art in The Hague. Roel van Herpt holds an MSc in Strategic Management and an MA in Creative Development.

The lecture is organized with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Photo credit: Qing Qing Mao, leafcitynow.com


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