• 28 мая 2018, понедельник
  • Москва, 20 Myasnitskaya str., room 116, Shukhov Lab

Playful Architecture for Kids:modern/parametric, conservative/basic or a clever mix?

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Высшая школа урбанистики
2160 дней назад
28 мая 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30
20 Myasnitskaya str., room 116, Shukhov Lab

What are children playgrounds today? How do they work? Do they meet children needs? Daria Bychkova, founder of Bureau Chekharda, brings up these important questions.

Is there a place for nonlinear parametric shapes in hi-tech epoch? Or is it better to use materials that connect kids with nature? On the one hand, parametric tools can help to design complex nonlinear shapes inspired by nature, they are up-to-date in matters of shape and its fast reproduction. For example, we can use a shell shape to construct a playground.

On the other hand, basic material such as wood creates unique natural shapes, for instance curved trees and roots. Through careful work with landscape during construction of a playground  can result in almost wild and highly sustainable environment. 

Bureau Chekharda, a leading company that creates modern and non-digital playspaces for children, believes that the key to success is using a ‘clever mix’ of these two approaches.   In her lecture, the founder of the company Daria Bychkova will share her vision of how to build ecologically-friendly playgrounds using digital tools.


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