• 13 апреля 2018, пятница
  • Москва, 20, Myasnitskaya str., room 116

Habidatum: Advanced Data Analysis in Space-time

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Высшая школа урбанистики
2205 дней назад
13 апреля 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30
20, Myasnitskaya str., room 116

Within the series of lectures on new technologies and urbanism launched by Shukhov Lab, Vadim Smakhtin, CTO of Chronotope will deliver a lecture ‘Habidatum: Advanced Data Analysis in Space-time’ on 13 April at 19.00.

Cities are temporal in their nature. Modern consumption and mobility patterns cannot be observed as statical models. Instead, we should look at cities as chaotic correlations and intersections of different social processes. Most of these processes are communicational at their core, so they cannot be quantified. By projecting social processes onto communities, we can understand their relative scale. This moves us into a multiscale dynamic urban environment, where each scale of observation gives us a new layer of understanding of its internal processes.

In contrast to traditional geo statistics, spatiotemporal analysis gives us a layer of dynamism which allows us to understand various social, cultural and economic processes in modern cities during different time periods and at different time scale. During the lecture we will talk about how we can merge spatial and temporal statistics into a single unified model and how this model can be applied to different real-life city problems.

Vadim Smakhtin – CTO of Chronotope, partner at Habidatum, co-founder of Mathrioshka


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