• 26 марта 2018, понедельник
  • Москва, 20 Myasnitskaya st., Room 116

Building cities for a flying world

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Высшая школа урбанистики
2358 дней назад
26 марта 2018 c 18:30 до 20:30
20 Myasnitskaya st., Room 116

The official awards ceremony of the first international online contest ‘Cities for a flying world’ launched by Shukhov Lab in 2017 will take place on 26 March 2018. More than 600 students and young professionals from all over the world applied showing interest in how the city infrastructure is going to change once flying vehicles become common place. By sharing their vision the contest participants have generated an exciting discussion that continued throughout the year and which we would like to conclude with the following two lectures that will be concluded by a Skype meeting with the winners of the international competition ‘Future Cities Contest’ and the announcement of the second online competition by Vicente Guallart, head of Shukhov Lab.

‘Building a flying world’

Lecture by Nikolay Bezhko, Lead Community Manager at McFly.aero

What if flying cars (e-VTOLs) will be used for conveyor production in the coming years? How will they change the life of citizens? In his lecture Nikolai Bezhko will discuss the future of air taxi technologies and their impact on our social, economic, ecological and architectural landscapes. Although flying vehicles do not belong only to sci-fi anymore, to start using them on a wide scale we need to develop a large infrastructure including chargers, landing pads, maintenance and relevant services.

‘Air taxi in the city of the future. Can we incubate it?’

Lecture by Ilya Khanykov, Business developer at Bartini

How can we shape the world around us alongside with other developers of flying vehicles while become part of a flying cars reality before everybody else does? In his lecture Ilya Khanykov will talk about technical side of aircrafts production for mass market. The infrastructure is likely to range from research and development for aerial vehicles to landing pads, mobile apps and additional services that can be sold over the net.



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