• 14 февраля 2018, среда
  • Москва, 20 Myasnitskaya st., Room 116

Open Day of the International Master Program ‘Prototyping Future Cities‘!

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Высшая школа урбанистики
2257 дней назад
14 февраля 2018 c 18:30 до 20:30
20 Myasnitskaya st., Room 116

Come and discover unique opportunities of the Master Program ‘Prototyping Future Cities’, directed by former chief architect of Barcelona, Vicente Guallart!

Meet our tutors and students, learn more about program’s structure, application process, career goals and our research projects!

‘Prototyping Future Cities’ is the most innovative Master’s program in the field of Digital Fabrication and Smart Technologies for Urban Environments in Russia.


Vicente Guallart Shukhov Lab founder, academic supervisor of the international Master’s Programme ’Prototyping Future Cities’;

Nadya Khort – coordinator of the Master Programme ’Prototyping Future Cities’;

Andrey Karmatsky – CEO at Urbica Design, ’Urban Big Data’ course tutor;

Sofia Gavrilova – photographer, geographer, leading researcher in the NGO ’Memorial – Russia’, ’Recording Sociology’ course tutor;

Elena Mitrofanova – architect at Hypen-Labs, ’City Project’ course tutor.

Students will also demonstrate their projects. Join our blog and learn more about our students’ research.

Live will be available!



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