• 15 декабря 2017, пятница
  • Москва, 20, Myasnitskaya str., room 116

Shukhov Lab's 1-year anniversary

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Другие события организатора

Высшая школа урбанистики
2576 дней назад
15 декабря 2017 c 18:30 до 20:00
20, Myasnitskaya str., room 116

15 December at 18:30 — HSE Graduate School of Urbanism will celebrate the 1-year anniversary of the Shukhov Lab We want to tell you about the most interesting and important things that happened during this year. Not only to tell, but to show!

For the first time organizers and participants of the 12 key projects of Shukhov Lab in 2017 will meet and present their projects:

Shukhov Lab restoration: Vicente Guallart, director of Shukhov Lab, presentation about the restoration project of Shukhov Lab

Master Programme: Nadia Khort, Master Program ‘Prototyping Future Cities’

Prototypes: Elena Mitrofanova, experimental kinetic facade for the festival ArchMoscow and IAAC Summer Global School

Workshops: Ivan Mitrofanov, ‘Digital Fabrication’ and ‘Sensoring the City’ workshops

Cinema: Marina Sapunova, project ‘Cinema for the City’

Summer programme: Alexandra Chechetkina, summer workshop AA Visiting School

Meetup: Pavel Akimov, Blockchain meetup

Tatarstan: Anna Budnikova, Grant of Republic of Tatarstan for the master program ‘Prototyping Future Cities’

Kyrgyzstan: Einar Kulbaev, Grant of Government of Kyrgyzstan for the master program ‘Prototyping Future Cities’

Competition: Rodion Eremeev, International competition for students and young professionals ‘Cities for a flying world’

Tech Breakfast: Ivan Medvedev, the first in Russia Tech Breakfast in the field of legislation on artificial intelligence and robotics

Exhibition: Sofia Gavrilova, photographer&artist, intermediate exhibition photo of the city of ‘Prototyping Future Cities’ master program’s students

Anniversary cake and drinks are in the programme! 
Come to enjoy Friday evening with us!


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