• 28 февраля 2017, вторник
  • Москва, Мясницкая 20, ауд. 116

Lecture of Ivan Medvedev 'Law, City and Technology: The Art of Legal Drafting'

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Высшая школа урбанистики
2614 дней назад
28 февраля 2017 c 20:00 до 21:00
Мясницкая 20, ауд. 116

HSE Graduate School of Urbanism continues a series of lectures ’City and Technology’ in Shukhov Lab as part of the admission campaign of the international master programme ’City and Technology: Prototyping Future Cities’ launching in September 2017.

How should robots, drones and smart homes be addressed from the legal perspective? Which new regulations should be introduced to bring the legislative framework up-to-date? The lecture will discuss these and other questions and will cover some aspects of drafting methodology for legal solutions.

Digital technologies are dramatically transforming our cities. However, new machinery and devices exist in the context of legislation developed with previous states of technology in mind. Existing laws and regulation are not always capable of responding to the needs of the 21st century city.

The lecture will be held in English.​

Ivan Medvedev - a practicing lawyer and Associate Professor at HSE Graduate School of Urbanism, Ph.D. in law (civil procedure and arbitration).


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