Exhibition Moscow 2050

Exhibition about the Vision of Moscow 2050 that will be presented in the Moscow Pavilion at the 2019 Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism in Shenzhen (China) curated by Vicente Guallart and Sergey Kuznetsov and co-curated by Pablo Goldin and Elena Mitrofanova.

Бизнес 16+

The exhibition in Shukhov Lab will include images of projects and visions related to Moscow developed in the past century, contemporary buildings and projects, and visions for the future developed during a three week workshop in Shukhov Lab.

Participants, together with students, were divided into into research blocks: re-naturalisation and biodiversity, local food, energy & water self-sufficiency, green materials, smart transport, urban big data, cultural inclusion, social inclusion: kids and eldery. Within each topic they will develop concepts, animation and 3D modeling, diagrams and maps, collages, photos and videos. During the study, students will answer a number of questions:

What determines Moscow today and how to transform it in the future?

What are the main challenges and opportunities Moscow will face by 2050?

What strategies and tools can be used to transform the city?


1919 дней назад
17 декабря 11:00 — 27 декабря 2019 18:00

Myasnitskaya, 20 Shukhov Lab
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