Shukhov Lab Anniversary

In December, the international laboratory for experimental urban design Shukhov Lab, turns 3 years old. On December 16 Shukhov Lab will open its gallery with an exhibition about the Vision of Moscow 2050 that will be presented in the Moscow Pavilion at the 2019 Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism in Shenzhen (China) curated by Vicente Guallart and Sergey Kuznetsov and co-curated by Pablo Goldin and Elena Mitrofanova. The Biennale will be open on 21 December 2019 in Shenzhen. The exhibition in Shukhov Lab will include images of projects and visions related to Moscow developed in the past century, contemporary buildings and projects, and visions for the future developed during a three week workshop in Shukhov Lab. 

Бизнес 16+

On Monday, December 16 at 19:30 workshop participants and curators will talk about the Moscow 2050 project. Keynote speaker Federico Parolotto Senior, Partner at Mobility in Chain, will address  the new value set currently changing the transport sector. Federico will present  4 transportation projects carried out by MIC in Moscow in the last 5 years and the research project carried out by MIC that will be shown at the Shenzhen biennale.


Welcome speech
Gleb Vitkov
– Faculty of Urban and Regional Development
Alexey Novikov – President, Co-founder of Habidatum

Moscow 2050: presentation by participants and curators
Sergei Kuznetsov – Moscow Chief Architect
Vicente Guallart – academic supervisor at the Master’s Programme ‘Prototyping future cities’, Shukhov Lab Head
Pablo Goldin – architect,  co-curator of ‘Moscow 2050’ pavilion at the the Shenzhen Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2019, student at the master’s programme ‘Prototyping future cities’ 
Elena Mitrofanova – architect, co-curator of ‘Moscow 2050’ pavilion at the the Shenzhen Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2019, Shukhov Lab leading expert
Khairutdinova Ramzia (RANEPA), Sergei Konchekov (MARKHI), Iana Aliaskarova (MARKHI), Daria Bychkova (Bureau ‘Chekharda’) 

Keynote speaker
’Addressing mobility changes’
Federico Parolotto – Senior Partner at MIC – Mobility in Chain


1927 дней назад
16 декабря 2019 19:30–21:30

Myasnitskaya st., 20 (room 116)
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