
Shukhov Lab invites you to the lecture ’Experience+Architecture=Emotion’ of Italian architect Carmelo Zappulla.

Бизнес 16+

We are used to see emotions detached from cognition as we think of emotion as irrational, wild, while cognition is rational and civilized. But emotions are inseparable from congnition. Everything we think is influenced by emotions.  In our design we implement  emotional values of spaces emphasizing experiential human needs. This environmental experience is determined as a result of human interaction with a physical space, generating a certain emotional or intellectual impact.
Nowadays we can identify the experience as the enabling factor of any product, space or service. Each one has a set of characteristics which can directly transmit meaning.

Carmelo ZappullaPhD Architect, faculty member at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and director of Official Master’s Degree in Experiential Interior Design.


2014 дней назад
20 сентября 2019 19:00–20:00

Myasnitskaya, 20 (room 116)
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