• 28 марта 2017, вторник
  • Москва, Мясницкая, 20

Revealing the unique: hybrid approach to urban analysis

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Высшая школа урбанистики
2589 дней назад
28 марта 2017 c 19:00 до 21:00
Мясницкая, 20

HSE Graduate School of Urbanism continues a series of lectures ’City and Technology’ in Shukhov Lab as part of the admission campaign of the international master programme ’Prototyping Future Cities: City and Technology’ launching in September 2017.

There are numerous instruments and methodologies available today for urban study, but how does one choose which one to use? What combination of techniques and methods is likely to yield the maximum value for the invested time and effort? Which combination will help reveal the unique? In his lecture at Shukhov Lab on Tuesday, Andrey Yelbayev will propose his answers to those questions and will share his practical experience of hybrid urban analysis for strategic planning with a particular focus on the decision-making process.

Andrey Yelbayev, Architect, Master of Architecture and Digital Media, University of Westminster, Bachelor of Architecture, Novosibirsk State Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts

Andrey has participated in architectural and urban planning of the historical centre of Kaliningrad city, Sevastopol Master Plan development, Park Kuzminki renovation, renovation of Triumphalnaya Square in Moscow and many others projects.

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