• 1 марта 2017, среда
  • Москва, Чистопрудный б-р, 23

'On the move'. Public lecture by Lawrence Barth

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Высшая школа урбанистики
2616 дней назад
1 марта 2017 c 20:30 до 22:00
Чистопрудный б-р, 23

Today, everyone is on the move. Mobility resides at the heart of contemporary life, both in an everyday sense of how we use and traverse the city, and also in the sense that the global knowledge economy has given rise to a transnational and metropolitan culture. This lecture focuses on how this is changing both the foundations of transport infrastructure, and how it is also, simultaneously, changing the way we must think about and plan the spatial organization of station districts.

There are numerous examples, but if we take the new development of Kings Cross in London, we can see an exciting range of shifts in how we look at these central-city environments. This allows us to imagine new development models for station districts and, perhaps most interestingly, new approaches to residential living in these areas. Similar shifts are taking place in more peripheral environments. The lessons are that when we introduce or upgrade metropolitan connections, we must look at a broader area of change around stations than we did previously, and yet at the same time, explore new approaches to the detail of diverse kinds of residential living.

Lawrence Barth is Professor of Urbanism in the Housing and Urbanism Programme at the Graduate School of the Architectural Association.

Mr. Barth works independently as a consultant urbanist for cities, design practices and research institutes. He has collaborated for nearly two decades with diverse architects and landscape architects on large-scale urban projects in Europe, North America, and Asia. He advised Zaha Hadid Architects in 2000 on the urban strategy for Singapore’s next-generation research environment, one-north, from the competition stage onwards, and later assumed the lead role in overseeing a multi-disciplinary refinement of the central district within the one-north Masterplan. More recently, in 2013-2014, Mr. Barth has been joint-lead consultant with S333 Architecture and Urbanism to develop principles and guidelines for the transformation of Singapore’s Science Parks 1&2 in line with the needs of today’s changing business ecologies. These projects are an outgrowth of his long-standing interest in the contemporary knowledge city. In 2011, he was invited to advise Ascendas Singapore on the future of the technology park, encouraging their future incorporation into patterns of urban synergy. In 2012, he lectured in Nottingham on the synergies linking university and city, and more recently, in 2014, he was invited to present to a London smarter-cities lecture series on the future of campus and city interactions.


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